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Saturday, October 26, 2013


A Spell for Good Luck!
On Halloween night, catch a falling leaf before it hits the ground. And whisper as you catch it... 
Good Luck Have I Found! 
You and yours will experience good fortune in the coming year.
To Put a Person Under Your Spell
Use a mirror to reflect moonlight onto the face of a sleeping person to put that person under your spell.
Write the name of the person whose attentions you wish to repel in red ink on a piece of white, unlined paper. Crumple the paper into a tiny ball. Place the ball in a water tight container and cover with pure water. Place the container in the freezer and recite the following three times:
May your teeth chatter 
At the sight of me 
May your stomach grow fatter 
If you don't leave me be! 
Warning: The spell is broken, if the charm is defrosted.

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