Dispatcher: 911. What’s
your emergency?
Caller: My friend just fell on the ground I think she’s
unconscious!! I need an ambulance!
Dispatcher: Okay, what is your address?
Caller: 983 46 street Apt. B3
Dispatcher: An ambulance
has been dispatched to you. It should arrive in 4-7 minutes.
Caller: I don’t know if she’s breathing! I need help!
Dispatcher: Tilt her head
back and place your ear close to her nose to check for signs of breathing.
Caller: Okay she is breathing!
Dispatcher: Good. Now move
her on to her side, gently.
Caller: Alright, what should I do now?
Dispatcher: Now carefully
tilt her head back.
Caller: I did, now what?
Dispatcher: Keep calm and
wait patiently, an ambulance should be with you shortly.
Caller: Thank you!
Dispatcher: 911. What’s
your emergency?
Caller: There’s a fire in my apartment!!
Dispatcher: Remain calm.
What is your address?
Caller: 12 Union Street 3rd
Dispatcher: Okay help is on
its way. Where is the fire?
Caller: In the living room and two bedrooms.
Dispatcher: How did it
Caller: I forgot to turn off a candle!
Dispatcher: Don’t panic.
Help should arrive soon. Is there anyone else in your apartment with you?
Caller: Just my two cats.
Dispatcher: Do you know
where they are?
Caller: I can only find one, he is by the front door.
Dispatcher: Please exit
your apartment with your pet. Do not take any belongings with you. Stay close
to the ground and take short quick breaths until you reach the exit. Do not
take the elevator. Take the stairs.
Caller: But, what about my cat?
Dispatcher: The firemen
will find him. Please follow the instructions I mentioned, they are for your
Caller: Okay, thank you.
Dispatcher: 911. What’s
your emergency?
Caller: I am in Bank of America, there is a robbery happening right
Dispatcher: What is the
address of the bank, sir?
Caller: I don’t know. I just know that it is in Midtown, next to
Bryant Park.
Dispatcher: I have traced
the location using your cell phone, help is on the way. Remain calm.
Caller: I am very afraid, I hear gunshots.
Dispatcher: How many people
are with you?
Caller: I don’t know maybe 15 or 20 people.
Dispatcher: Did you see the
Caller: No, he was wearing a mask.
Dispatcher: Was anyone
Caller: I think I heard some screams, but I cannot see. I am
hiding behind a desk.
Dispatcher: Do not move,
remain calm. Help is on the way.
Caller: Thank you!
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