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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Reporting emergencies

Watch unconscious and breathing and create a dialogue following the tips that Red Cross recommends you to do.  One of you is the caller and the other is the dispatcher. (The dispatcher gives the pieces of advice to the caller, e.g. Help him/her to sit down.
Watch heart attack and create a dialogue following the tips that Red Cross recommends you to do.
One of you is the caller and the other is the dispatcher. (The dispatcher gives the pieces of advice to the caller, e.g. Help him/her to sit down.
 You left some kitchen towel next to your cooker and now your kitchen is burning on fire. Make an emergency call and request for the fire brigade. Give as many details as you can. (what, where, when, who)
Imagine you are one worker for this bank. You managed to hide yourself away and the robber can’t either see you or hear you.  Make an emergency phone call giving enough details to the dispatcher (what, where, who)

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